About Ramin Davoodi
Ramin Davoodi (IRN) currently plays for Paykan. Ramin Davoodi is 26 years old (1997/09/27) and he is 170cm tall. His preferred foot is Right. His jersey number is 17.
Ramin Davoodi's current transfer value is around €0.2M. His last transfer was from Chadormalu SC to Oghab Teheran in 2023. Oghab Teheran got Ramin Davoodi for free.
Ramin Davoodi latest transfers and transfer rumours, season statistics and career statistics are available on FootballTransfers.
Who is Ramin Davoodi?
Ramin Davoodi (IRN) currently plays for Paykan. Ramin Davoodi is 26 years old (1997/09/27) and he is 170cm tall. His preferred foot is Right. His jersey number is 17.
Ramin Davoodi's current transfer value is around €0.2M. His last transfer was from Chadormalu SC to Oghab Teheran in 2023. Oghab Teheran got Ramin Davoodi for free.
Ramin Davoodi latest transfers and transfer rumours, season statistics and career statistics are available on FootballTransfers.