Skill / pot | Player | ETV |
Domagoj Lukac
€0.2M |
About Luka Ivan Lukic
Luka Ivan Lukic (CRO) currently plays for Dugopolje. Luka Ivan Lukic is 23 years old (2000/09/13) and he is 189cm tall. He prefers both feet.
Luka Ivan Lukic's current transfer value is between €80K and €0.1M. His last transfer was from NK Jarun Zagreb to Dugopolje in 2023.
Luka Ivan Lukic latest transfers and transfer rumours, season statistics and career statistics are available on FootballTransfers.
Who is Luka Ivan Lukic?
Luka Ivan Lukic (CRO) currently plays for Dugopolje. Luka Ivan Lukic is 23 years old (2000/09/13) and he is 189cm tall. He prefers both feet.
Luka Ivan Lukic's current transfer value is between €80K and €0.1M. His last transfer was from NK Jarun Zagreb to Dugopolje in 2023.
Luka Ivan Lukic latest transfers and transfer rumours, season statistics and career statistics are available on FootballTransfers.